Look at Who Came to the 2024 Guy Family Reunion, from what State and what Generation.
As of today we have 329 Guy Family Members from 19 different States and 1 from Florence, Italy who have paid to attend the 2024 Guy Family Reunion.
*ARIZONA* (1 Family Member)
- Lundyn Jackson Phoenix, AZ. (5th) (Large) *1st time coming*
*ARKANSAS* (10 Family Members)
- Angela Doraine Howard West Memphis, AR. (6th) (X-Large)
- Aubrey Howard West Memphis, AR. (8th) (Small) *1st time coming*
- Betty Guy-Witherspoon Marion, AR. (6th) (Small)
- Betty Mack Proctor, AR. () (Small) *1st time coming*
- Chester Witherspoon Marion, AR. (6th) (Large)
- Faye Howard West Memphis, AR. (5th) (Large)
- Kristian Bullard Little Rock, AR. (8th) (2-X)
- Ronald Howard Edmondson, AR. (5th) (2-X)
- Sylestine Howard-Mack West Memphis, AR. (5th) (Large)
- Theodore Mack Proctor, AR. () (Medium) *1st time coming*
*CALIFORNIA* (16 Family Members)
- Anderson Guy Jr. Escondido, CA. (5th) (Medium)
- Betty R. Guy Escondido, CA. (5th) (Large)
- Darrell Waterford San Diego, CA. (6th) (2-X)
- Deonte' Keyshun Guy Irvine, CA. (9th) (???)
- Heyman Matlock Jr. Sacramento, CA. (5th) (Medium)
- Heyman Matlock Sr. Sacramento, CA. (4th) (Medium)
- Judy Lewis-Matlock Sacramento, CA. (5th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Kealean Biggs San Francisco, CA. (6th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Kory Biggs San Francisco, CA. (6th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Liberty Steele San Francisco, CA. (7th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Leticia Puga Pulido Sacramento, CA. (7th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Lindsay A.Matlock Sacramento, CA. (6th) (Small) *1st time coming*
- Marcella Reynoso Sacramento, CA. (6th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Phyllis Guy San Bernardino, CA. (5th) (2-X) *1st time coming*
- Remy Ramacher Sacramento, CA. (7th) (Small) *1st time coming*
- Xaiver Puga Pulido Sacramento, CA. (7th) (Youth-Small) *1st time coming*
*COLORADO* (2 Family Members)
- Regina Guy-English Colorado Springs, CO. (4th) (Medium) *1st time coming*
- Miguel Kirkpatrick Aurora, CO. (7th) (3-X) *1st time coming*
*FLORIDA* (8 Family Members)
- Cheri Waterford Saint Cloud, FL. (6th) (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Hayden Andrew Chornes Orlando, FL. (7th) (Youth-Medium)
- Irise Jo Chornes Orlando, FL. (6th) (Large)
- Jenesis Mayes Jacksonville, FL. (7th) (Youth-Small)
- Jessica Bolden-Mayes Jacksonville, FL. (6th) (Large)
- Jonathan Mayes Jacksonville, FL. (6th) (X-Large)
- Jonavan Mayes Jacksonville, FL. (7th) (Youth-Small)
- Linda Spears-Powers Jacksonville, FL. (5th) (Large)
*GEORGIA* (5 Family Members)
- Dorian Clark Atlanta, GA. (8th) (2-X)
- Gregory Guy Locust Grove, GA. (6th) (X-Large)
- Jasmine Love Atlanta, GA. (8th) (Large)
- Joseph Mario Ivy V Stone Mountain, GA. (9th) (???)
- Marian Denise Damron-Guy Locust Grove, GA. (6th) (Large)
*ILLINOIS* (55 Family Members)
- Alana Wilkins East St. Louis, IL. (9th) (Youth-X-Small) *1st time coming*
- Aniya Manning Chicago, IL. (8th) (Youth-Medium) *1st time coming*
- Anjali Chavda Geneva, IL. (7th) (Medium)
- A'riyah Manning Chicago, IL. (8th) (Youth-X-Small) *1st time coming*
- Candra Chavda Geneva, IL. (6th) (Medium)
- Carolyn Robinson Riverdale, IL. (6th) (Large)
- Celine Wise-Robinson Oak Park, IL. (6th) (Large)
- Crista Wilkins East St. Louis, IL. (8th) (X-Large)
- Curtis Dean Chicago, IL. (6th) (Large)
- Cynthia Kirk-Walker Dolton, IL. (6th) (Large)
- Donna Howard-Evans Oak Park, IL. (5th) (X-Large)
- Edna Guy-Johnson Chicago, IL. (5th) (Medium)
- Elizabeth Molton-Wilson East St. Louis, IL. (6th) (Medium) *1st time coming*
- Ellis Dean Chicago, IL. (7th) (Youth-Small) *1st time coming*
- Emil Dean Chicago, IL. (7th) (Youth Small) *1st time coming*
- Emma Guy-Robinson Chicago, IL. (5th) (Large)
- Eulah Vivian Howard-Dortch Chicago, IL. (5th) (2-X)
- Everald Jeffers Jr. Dolton, IL. () (Medium) *1st time coming*
- Everett Evans Oak Park, IL. (6th) (X-Large)
- Felicia Dean Chicago, IL. (6th) (X-Large)
- Forrest James Robinson Naperville, IL. (6th) (2-X)
- Frank Evans Oak Park, IL. (5th) (X-Large)
- Frank McGee Oak Park, IL. (5th) (Large)
- Fredonia Howard-Falls Bellwood, IL. (5th) (Large)
- Gwendolyn Johnson-Jones Chicago, IL. (6th) (X-Large)
- Ian Digby Dean Chicago, IL. (7th) (Medium) *1st time coming*
- Jacquez Wilkins East St. Louis, IL. (8th) (X-Large)
- Joan Loftin-Cross University Park, IL. (6th) (Large)
- Joell Cross University Park, IL. (7th) (Youth-Large)
- Kayla Dean Chicago, IL. (7th) (Small)
- Kenisha Evans Oak Park, IL. (6th) (Large)
- LaShon Walker Dolton, IL. (7th) (Small)
- Le'Ana Santos-Smith Chicago, IL. (8th) (Medium)
- Loni Cross University Park, IL. (7th) (Medium)
- Lonzell Cross University Park, IL. (6th) (Large)
- Louis Walker Jr. Dolton, IL. (6th) (X-Large)
- Mary Ervin Oak Park, IL. () (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Michael Robinson Riverdale, IL. (6th) (Large)
- Paris Alexander Chicago, IL. (6th) (X-Large)
- Patrice Dean Chicago, IL. (6th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Patricia Howard-McGee Oak Park, IL. (5th) (Medium)
- Remi Poe East St. Louis, IL. (9th) (Youth-Medium) *1st time coming*
- Rita Bolden Chicago, IL. (6th) (Small)
- Samiya Poe East St. Louis, IL. (9th) (Small) *1st time coming*
- Saniyah Evans Oak Park, IL. (7th) (Large)
- Shelia Loftin University Park, IL. (6th) (X-Large)
- Taylor Burrell Robinson Jr. Oak Park, IL. (6th) (2-X)
- Taylor Burrell Robinson Sr. Chicago, IL. (5th) (Large)
- Toni Molton East St. Louis, IL. (7th) (Medium) *1st time coming*
- Tonia Dortch Chicago, IL. (6th) (2-X)
- Varian Dean Chicago, IL. (6th) (X-Large)
- Victoria Kirkpatrick Oakbrook, IL. (6th) (2-X) *1st time coming*
- Vinay Chavda Geneva, IL. (7th) (Small)
- Vivian Dean Chicago, IL. (6th) (X-Large)
- Willis Falls Bellwood, IL. (5th) (Large)
*INDIANA* (2 Family Members)
- Karen Howard Indianapolis, IN. (5th) (X-Large)
- Sharon Jackson Indianapolis, IN. () (Large) *1st time coming*
*ITALY* (1 Family Member)
- Detria Williamson Florence, Italy (7th) (Small) *1st time coming*
*MARYLAND* (0 Family Members)
*MICHIGAN* (7 Family Members)
- Annette Matlock-Golson Farmington Hills, MI. () (Large)
- Bert Matlock Lansing, MI. () (2-X) *1st time coming*
- Brenda Mayaka Springfield, MI. (3rd) (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Eric (Rick) Matlock Detroit, MI. (6th) (2-X)
- John Golson Farmington Hills, MI. () (X-Large) *1st Time Coming*
- Malvona Guy Battle Creek, MI. (3rd) (3-X) *1st time coming*
- Phyllis Marie Howard Muskegon, MI. (5th) (Small)
*MISSISSIPPI* (44 Family Members)
- Alphonso Guy Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (X-Large)
- Alex Howard Jr. Walls, MS. (5th) (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Arthur Baker Holly Springs, MS. (5th) (Large)
- Barbara Linda Jones Horn Lake, MS. (6th) (Large)
- Bernard Cowan Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Bernie Anderson-Baker Holly Springs, MS. (5th) (Medium)
- Carolyn Guy Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (X-Large)
- Charles McCaleb Jr. Moss Point, MS. (6th) (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Constance Guy-Cowan Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (Medium)
- D'Anna Young Byhalia, MS. (7th) (Small)
- Daniel Liggins Byhalia, MS. (5th) (2-X)
- Dantell Liggins Byhalia, MS. (6th) (Large)
- Delonne Liggins Byhalia, MS. (6th) (Small)
- Delorise Guy-Tunstall Byhalia, MS. (5th) (???)
- Demetra Street-Liggins Byhalia, MS. (5th) (Large)
- Denise Guy-Norman Olive Branch MS. (5th) (Large)
- DesStane Barr Byhalia, MS. (6th) (Medium) *1st time coming*
- Earlene Guy-Cooper Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (Medium)
- Edna Liggins-Nunley Byhalia, MS. (5th) (X-Large)
- Frankie Guy-Leake Southaven, MS. (6th) (Large)
- Geraldine Patton Hernando, MS. () (X-Large)
- Irene Howard Walls, MS. (5th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Joe Guy Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (Medium) *1st time coming*
- John K. Smith Canton, MS. (6th) (2-X)
- John Lewis Tunstall Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (Large)
- Journee Liggins Byhalia, MS. (7th) Youth-X-Small) *1st time coming*
- Julia Guy-Walls Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (Large)
- Loretha Guy-Cole Olive Branch, MS. (6th) (Large)
- Lydia Guy Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Mark Anthony Guy Olive Branch MS. (5th) (Large)
- Mary Jane Roberson-Guy Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (X-Large)
- Michael Guy Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (X-Large)
- Quintin Malone Byhalia, MS. (7th) (X-Large)
- Rosie Guy-Verner Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (Medium)
- Ruby Smith Canton, MS. (6th) (X-Large)
- Sharon Parks Southaven, MS. (6th) (4-X)
- Sheila Guy-Woods Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (Medium)
- Shirley Parks Southaven, MS. (5th) (2-X)
- Sophia Guy Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (Large)
- Stanley Saulsberry Byhalia, MS. (6th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Stephanie McCaleb Moss Point, MS. (6th) (Medium) *1st time coming*
- Vandail Verner Olive Branch, MS. (5th) (2-X)
- Willie Ruth Liggins-Young Byhalia, MS. (5th) (2-X)
- Zahir Etienne Byhalia, MS. (7th) (Youth-Small) *1st time coming*
*NEW YORK* (1 Family Member)
- Tionna Moss Manhattan, New York (5th) (Medium) *1st time coming*
*OHIO* (2 Family Members)
- Selene Carpenter Columbus, OH. (6th) (X-Large)
- Sheila Carpenter Columbus, OH. (6th) (X-Large)
*OREGON* (2 Family Members)
- Daniel Covalt Guy Medford, OR. (6th) (X-Large)
- Vicki Ann Holst-Guy Medford, OR. (6th) (Large)
*SOUTH CAROLINA* (11 Family Members)
- Bernard Singleton Charleston, S.C. (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Connie Holiday Charleston, SC. () (Large) *1st time coming*
- Elizabeth Anyway Lexington, SC. () (Medium) *1st time coming*
- Justin Drayton Summerville, SC. () (2-X) *1st time coming*
- Larry Holiday Lexington, SC. () (X-Large)
- Leroy Holiday Gilbert, SC. () (2-X) *1st time coming*
- Thelma Holiday Gilbert, SC. () (2-X) *1st time coming*
- Tyeise Poltnitz Lexington, SC. () (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Xavier Harris Summerville, SC. (7th) (2-X)
- Yonathan Holiday Lexington, S.C. () (Large)
- Yoseph Holiday Lexington, S.C. () (Large)
*TENNESSEE* (135 Family Members)
- Adrian Guy-Anderson Memphis, TN. (7th) (Large)
- Alette Howard-Davis Nashville, TN. (6th) (Medium) *1st time coming*
- Andrea Myers-Whooper Memphis, TN. (6th) (Large)
- Angela Leake-Amos Memphis, TN. (7th) (X-Large)
- Annie Guy-Holloway Memphis, TN. (5th) (Large)
- Annie Pearl Russell-Payne Memphis, TN. (6th) (X-Large)
- Anthony Guy Memphis, TN. (8th) (Youth-Large)
- Armani Johnson Memphis, TN. (9th) (Youth-X-Small)
- Arnettra Woods Memphis, TN. () (Medium)
- Autumn Guy Memphis, TN. (8th) (Youth-Large)
- Auvario Johnson Memphis, TN. (8th) (Medium)
- Ayden Helm Memphis, TN. (9th) (Youth-Medium)
- Azuri M-hagoni Carter LaVergne, TN. (9th) (Youth-Medium) *1st time coming*
- Barbara Ann Farley-Burns Memphis, TN. (6th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Betty Childs-Guy Memphis, TN. (5th) (3-X)
- Beverly Williams Memphis, TN. (5th) (2-X)
- Billy Wilkins Jr. Trenton, TN. (7th) (X-Large)
- Billy Wilkins III Trenton, TN. (8th) (Medium)
- Brian Miller Memphis, TN. (7th) (Large)
- Brooke Smith Memphis, TN. (8th) (Youth-Medium) *1st time coming*
- Calvin Guy Sr. Memphis, TN. (7th) (2-X)
- Chaquita Mosley Memphis, TN. (7th) (X-Large)
- Chloe Miller Memphis, TN. (8th) (Small)
- Christine Falls Memphis, TN. (6th) (Large)
- Cierra Johnson Memphis, TN. (8th) (Large)
- Cynthia Saulsberry-Johnson Memphis, TN. (7th) (Medium)
- Daisein Johnson Memphis, TN. (8th) (Youth-Small) *1st time coming*
- Dale Clayborn III Memphis, TN. (8th) (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Darin Key Leake III La Vergne, TN. (9th) (Medium)
- Darin Key Leake Sr. Memphis, TN. (7th) (2-X)
- Darlene Riley-Guy Memphis, TN. (6th) (Large)
- Davaris Johnson Memphis, TN. (8th) (Small)
- Debbie Russell-Johnson Memphis, TN. (6th) (X-Large)
- Delores G. Johnson Memphis, TN. () Medium
- DeMaya Little Memphis, TN. (9th) (Small)
- Desmond Jamal Leake Memphis, TN. (8th) (X-Large)
- Dominique Jabari Leake Memphis, TN. (8th) (Large)
- Dorothy Eppenger-Holt Memphis, TN. (6th) (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Earl Redmond Johnson Memphis, TN. () (Large)
- Elias Guy Sr. Memphis, TN. (5th) (Large)
- Esther Marie Guy Memphis, TN. (5th) (Large)
- Eugene Anderson II Memphis, TN. (7th) (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Eugene Anderson III Memphis, TN. (8th) (Youth X-Small) *1st time coming*
- Europe Broady Memphis, TN. (7th) (Medium) *1st time coming*
- Florence Guy Memphis, TN. (6th) (2-X)
- Florence Davidson-Guy Memphis, TN. (5th) (Large)
- Frederick Falls Memphis, TN. (6th) (3-X)
- Georgia Cooper Memphis, TN. (5th) (Large)
- Gerald Lawrence Memphis, TN. (8th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Gertrude Guy-Lee Memphis, TN. (6th) (Large)
- Glenn Wayne Johnson Memphis, TN. (6th) (5-X)
- Graysen Burson Memphis, TN. (7th) (Small)
- Gregory Lawrence Sr. Cordova, TN. (7th) (???) *1st time coming*
- Harrison Sawyer Memphis, TN. (5th) (Medium)
- Ian Davis Nashville, TN. (6th) (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Jada Wilkins Trenton, TN. (8th) (Medium)
- Jalon Molden Memphis, TN. (7th) (3-X) *1st time coming*
- Janelle Romero Guy Memphis, TN. (6th) (X-Large)
- Jasmine Arrington Memphis, TN. (7th) (Large)
- Jerica Falls Memphis, TN. (7th) (Large)
- Jesse Guy III Memphis, TN. (7th) (X-Large)
- John Henry Guy Memphis, TN. (5th) (3-X)
- John Henry Guy Memphis, TN. (6th) (X-Large)
- Jordyn Guy Memphis, TN. (8th) (Small) *1st time coming*
- Joseph Davis Nashville, TN. (7th) (Youth-Large) *1st time coming*
- Josephine Guy Memphis, TN. (6th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Joshua Davis Nashville, TN. (7th) (Youth-Large) *1st time coming*
- Judy Kimble-Gaston Memphis, TN. (6th) (5-X)
- Julia Davis Nashville, TN. (7th) (Small) *1st time coming*
- Kamilah Gaston Memphis, TN. (7th) (3-X)
- Karen Turner Memphis, TN. (4th) (Medium) *1st time coming*
- Karlos Bullard Memphis, TN. (7th) (X-Large)
- Katerine Saulsberry-Guy Memphis, TN. (6th) (Large)
- Kimberly Saulsberry-Wilkins Trenton, TN. (7th) (Large)
- Kizzy Guy Memphis, TN. (7th) (3-X)
- Latanya Thigpen Memphis, TN. (7th) (X-Large)
- Linda Guy-Chornes Memphis, TN. (5th) (Large)
- London Marie Bradford Memphis, TN. (8th) (Youth-Medium)
- Lucious Guy Jr. Memphis, TN. (6th) (3-X)
- Maddison Parson Memphis, TN. (7th) (Youth-Medium)
- Mahrea Trinette Chornes Memphis, TN. (6th) (2-X)
- Makayla Guy Memphis, TN. (7th) (Youth-Small) *1st time coming*
- Malachi Guy Memphis, TN. (7th) (Youth-Small) *1st time coming*
- Malcolm Bullard Memphis, TN. (8th) (Medium)
- Mark Bishop Memphis, TN. (7th) (Large)
- Mark Anthony Guy Memphis, TN. (7th) (X-Large)
- Martavious Jenkins Jr. Memphis, TN. (8th) (Youth-Small )
- Martavious Jenkins Sr. Memphis, TN. (7th) (Large)
- Martha Kimble Memphis, TN. (6th) (3-X)
- Marley Denise Anderson Memphis, TN. (8th) (Youth-Medium) *1st time coming*
- Marley Parson Memphis, TN. (7th) (Youth-Medium)
- Martisha Jenkins Memphis, TN. (7th) (Medium)
- Mary Elizabeth Leonard Memphis, TN. (7th) (2-X)
- Mason Guy Memphis, TN. (7th) (Youth-Small) *1st time coming*
- Maxcine Smith-Miller Memphis, TN. (7th) (2-X)
- Melissa Aberle-Guy Memphis, TN. (7th) (2-X)
- Melvin Lewis Guy Memphis, TN. (5th) (Large)
- Meschelle Guy-Barnes Memphis, TN. (7th) (Medium)
- Michael Strayhorn Memphis, TN. (6th) (3-X)
- Morgan Guy Memphis, TN. (6th) (2-X)
- Mose Guy Memphis, TN. (5th) (Large)
- Nekko Bullard Memphis, TN. (9th) (Youth-Medium) *1st time coming*
- NeKyla Williams Memphis, TN. (9th) (Youth-Large)
- NeRiya Williams Memphis, TN. (9th) (Youth-Small) *1st time coming
- Nikkia Lane Memphis, TN. (5th) (Small) *1st time coming*
- Norma Dobbins Memphis, TN. () (Medium)
- Pamela Guy-Strayhorn Memphis, TN. (6th) (X-Large)
- Paris Guy Memphis, TN. (7th) (Youth-Large)
- Paula Price Memphis, TN. (5th) (3-X)
- R.D. Miller Memphis, TN. (7th) (X-Large)
- Regina Johnson Guy Memphis, TN. (5th) (Medium)
- Regina Matlock Memphis, TN. (4th) (Large)
- Reginald Roy Guy Memphis, TN. (6th) (Medium)
- Robert Henry Guy Sr. Memphis, TN. (6th) (X-Large)
- Sevaris Johnson Memphis, TN. (7th) (Large)
- Shelbi Johnson Memphis, TN. () (Small)
- Sylvia Cobb-Leake Memphis, TN. (7th) (X-Large)
- Tahj Mason Memphis, TN. (6th) (Large)
- Taleesa Sharp Memphis, TN. (7th) (X-Large)
- Tania Romero Guy Memphis, TN. (6th) (Large) *1st time coming*
- Taylor Ueal Memphis, TN. (8th) (Medium)
- Terri Ramsey-Guy Memphis, TN. (7th) (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Terry Amos Memphis, TN. (7th) (3-X)
- Toni Guy Memphis, TN. (7th) (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Tycetyce Guy Memphis, TN. (8th) (Youth X-Small) *1st time coming*
- Vanessa Thigpen Memphis, TN. (8th) (X-Large)
- Velma Guy-Payne Memphis, TN. (6th) (Large)
- Vicky Collier Memphis, TN. (6th) (4-X)
- Vivian Price-Brooks Memphis, TN. (4th) (3-X)
- Winston Guy Memphis, TN. (6th) (Medium)
- Yaniqza Romero Guy Memphis, TN. (7th) Medium) *1st time coming*
- Yennevi Romero Memphis, TN. (7th) (Small) *1st time coming*
- Yolundra Payne Memphis, TN. (7th) (2-X)
- Yovanni Romero Guy Memphis, TN. (7th) (2-X) *1st time coming*
- Zoe Talia King Memphis, TN. (8th) (Youth-Medium)
*TEXAS* (25 Family Members)
- Amira Mack McKinney, TX. (7th) (X-Large)
- Avery Anthony Longview, TX. (6th) (Youth X-Small) *1st time coming*
- Camron Campbell Gaston Aubrey, TX. (8th) (X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Charon Guy San Antonio, TX. () (2-X) *1st time coming*
- Chiquita Saulsberry Arlington, TX. (7th) (X-Large)
- Christian Ivan French Longview, TX. (8th) (Youth-Medium) *1st time coming*
- Darius T. Mack McKinney, TX. (6th) (X-Large)
- Deanglo Little Arlington, TX. (8th) (Large)
- Gloria Alexander-Guy Longview, TX. (6th) ()
- Gregory Mack Jr. Plano, TX. (6th) (Medium)
- Karmyn Aniyah Leake Katy, TX. (9th) (Small)
- Kassidy Ann Gibson Katy, TX. (9th) (Youth-Medium)
- Keydrick Oliver Arlington, TX. (8th) (Medium)
- Keyonna Flynn Arlington, TX. (8th) (Medium)
- Krystal Guy Longview, TX. (7th) (Large)
- Latora Campbell-Gaston Aubrey, TX. (7th) (2-X) *1st time coming*
- Malika Mack McKinney, TX. (7th) (Large)
- Melvin Gaston Jr. Aubrey, TX. (7th) (2-X) *1st time coming*
- Milani Gaston Aubrey, TX. (8th) (Youth Medium) *1st time coming*
- Milaya French Longview, TX. (8th) (Youth-Medium) *1st time coming*
- Otis Anthony Longview, TX. () (2-X) *1st time coming*
- Rayan Mack McKinney, TX. (7th) (Youth-Large)
- Tyler Gaston Aubrey, TX. (8th) (Youth-X-Large) *1st time coming*
- Zakorion Pete Jr Arlington, TN. (9th) (Youth-Small)
- Zaloni Pete Arlington, TX. (9th) (Youth-Small)
*VIRGINIA* (0 Family Members)
*WASHINGTON* (1 Family Member)
- Syreeta Robinson-Kinnard Lynnwood, WA. (7th) (2-X)
*WASHINGTON, D.C.* (1 Family Member)
- D'Juan Burton Washington, D.C. (7th) (Medium) *1st time coming*
*WISCONSIN* (1 Family Member)
- Kenneth Guy Milwaukee, WI. (7th) (3X or 4X)
Throughout this web-site names of Guy Family Members are color-coded to distinguish which child of Baldy Guy, George Guy, Henry Guy and grandchild of Millie Guy we all fall under:
Also we are adding the Descendants of
Dr. Joseph Albert Guy Sr. M.D.
*Descendants of Earnton Guy Sr.* (102 family members)
*Descendants of William Alfred Guy* (69 family members)
*Descendants of Lovie Guy-Givens* (0 family members)
*Descendants of Ruben Guy* (11 family member)
*Descendants of Mary Guy-Howard* (59 family members)
*Descendants of Annette (Nettie) Guy-Matlock* (0 family members)
*Descendants of Fannie Phillips-Matlock* (23 family members)
*Descendants of Annie Bell Guy-Williams* (2 family members)
*Descentants of Stella Guy- Williams* (0 family members)
*Descendants of Longstreet Guy* (33 family members)
*Descendants of Henry Guy* (9 family members)
*Descendants of Fleming Guy* (0 family members)
*Un-linked Guy Family Members* (1 family member)
Holiday Guy Family Members* (9 family members)
*Descendants of Dr. Joseph Albert Guy Sr. M.D.* (2 family members)
*Descendants of John Guy* (2 family members)
*Descendants of Governor Guy Sr.* (5 family members)
*Descendants of Joseph Guy* (0 family members)
*Descendants of Madison Guy Sr.* (0 family members)
*Descendants of Willie Mae Scallion* (3 family members)
*First Time Coming* (101 family members)