Brice Crossroads
The Battle of Brice Crossroads
The Battle of Brice Crossroads
Our ancestors, brothers Baldy Guy (1841-1911)George Guy (1845-1928) and their cousin Henry Guy (1827-1902)  fought in The Battle of Brice Crossroads on June 10, 1864 in Guntown, Mississippi during the Civil War.
Baldy Guy was wounded on the first day of battle when he suffered a gun shot in the left shoulder. Henry Guy was twice a Prisoner of War.
All three served in the 55th Regiment United States Colored Volunteer Infantry between 22 May 1863 to 31 Dec 1865. Baldy in "Company B" and George in "Company H", and Henry in Compant "A".
Of the 223 Union soldiers killed during the Battle of Brice Crossroads half of them were Colored Troops.

Below are several videos of
The Battle Of Brice Crossroads