"You Are My Guy"



Baldy Guy & George Guy
Baldy Guy & George Guy

We now have Cash App and Zelle to pay
2026 Guy Family Reunion fees.

The code for Cash App is: $GuyFamilyReunion
The code for Zelle is: (901-283-1177)

Baldy Guy & George Guy
Baldy Guy & George Guy

During the 2026 Guy Family Reunion on Thursday morning July 9, 2026 family members will have the oppuntity (on their own) to travel to Guntown, Mississippi for the Brice's Crossroads Battleground Tour. The battlefield is only 84 miles from the Whispering Woods Hotel.
This is the battleground where Baldy Guy, George Guy, and Henry Guy fought in the Battle of Brice's Crossroads on June 10, 1864 against General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his Confederate Troops. 
Battle of Brice's Crossroads
Battle of Brice's Crossroads

During the 2026 Guy Family Reunion on Thursday morning July 9, 2026 family members will have the oppuntity (on their own) to travel to Guntown, Mississippi for the Mississippi Final Stands Interpretive Center Museum Tour. The museum is only 84 miles from the Whispering Woods Hotel.
This is the Museum where the photo of Baldy Guy and George Guy hangs along with other items associated with the Battle of Brice's Crossroads on June 10, 1864. 
Brice Crossroads
Brice Crossroads
Baldy Guy (1841-1911) & George Guy (1845-1928)
Baldy Guy (1841-1911) & George Guy (1845-1928)


This photo of Baldy Guy (1841-1911) & his younger brother George Guy (1845-1928) sits in The Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

Thanks to cousin
Sheila Adams-Gardner for her hard work in getting this photo enshrined into The Library of Congress.



Here's a Civil War photo of my 3rd great-grandfather BALDY GUY (1841-1911) & his brother, GEORGE GUY (1845-1928) my 3rd great-grand-uncle.

The photo was taken by cousin 
Sheila Adams-Gardner, who was visiting the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington D.C. where a video on the Civil War was playing.


We now have Cash App and Zelle to pay
2026 Guy Family Reunion fees.

The code for Cash App is: $GuyFamilyReunion
The code for Zelle is: (901-283-1177)


Children & Grandchildren of Baldy Guy & Margaret Norton-Guy



The dates for the 2026 Guy Family Reunion are 
July 8th-12th, 2026


The fees for the reunion are listed below:

Seniors (75 & up) $75.00 (includes t-shirt) 

Adults (19-74) $150.00 (includes t-shirt)

Children (6-18) $75.00 (includes t-shirt)

Infants (0-5) $25.00 (includes t-shirt)

Please try to get your reunion fees in by the deadline date of May 1, 2026. The Whispering Woods Hotel & Vendors have to be paid off in the month of June 2026. T-Shirt orders will be placed on June 1st in order to be back in time for the reunion.

Any payment received after the t-shirts are ordered will not include a t-shirt and might be returned to that person in the mail. In past reunions we have had anywhere from 80 to 90 family members sending in payments 2 weeks before the reunion.

This causes problems with the hotel and vendors because we have to keep changing and adding people after we have turned in our projected numbers.

Any questions please contact me Darin Leake Sr. @ 901-283-1177 & Pamela Strayhorn @ 901-210-8393



BALDY GUY  (1841-1911) & GEORGE GUY (1845-1928)

BALDY GUY  (1841-1911) & GEORGE GUY (1845-1928)
Baldy Guy (1841-1911) & George Guy (1845-1928)
Baldy Guy (1841-1911) & George Guy (1845-1928)

We are now on facebook at

 Bearing The Load

As a bear ventures through unknown territory, he is marking the way for many others to follow.  Because he took steps in a different direction, a new path was created for future bears who will use that same trail for generations, placing their feet in the exact same spot every time they walk the course. Their adventurous vision has created a remarkable path that will be traveled for years to come.

Thanks to our Guy Family Ancestors for being Trailblazers !!!


 Pamela Guy-Strayhorn (Co-chairperson) & Michael Strayhorn
Pamela Guy-Strayhorn (Co-chairperson) & Michael Strayhorn

A Daily Inspiration titled:
  Resetting - Renewing - Restoring - Rejoicing  by:
Pamela Guy-Strayhorn (great-granddaughter of William Alfred Guy) 
was moved and is available for viewing on the Daily Inspirations page of the web-site..
There's a different poem everyday.

Throughout this web-site names of Guy Family Members are color-coded to distinguish which child of Baldy Guy & George Guy and grandchild of Millie Guy we all fall under:

*Descendants of Earnton Guy Sr.*

*Descendants of Willie Mae Scallions*

 *Descendants of John Guy*

*Descendants of William Alfred Guy*

 *Descendants of Lovie Givens-Guy*

*Descendants of Ruben Guy*

*Descendants of Mary Guy-Howard *

*Descendants of Annette (Netti) Guy-Matlock *

*Descendants of Annie Bell Guy-Williams*

 *Descendants of Estella (Stella) Guy-Williams*

* Descendants of Joseph Guy​ *

*Descendants of Longstreet Guy*

*Descendants of Henry Guy*

*Descendants of Fleming Guy*

* Descendants of Governor Guy Sr. *

Descendants of Madison Guy *

* Descendants of "Free Joe" Guy *

 *Descendants of Guy-Holiday Family *

*Descendants of Dr. Joseph Albert Guy Sr. M.D.*

Un-linked Guy Family Members*

Baldy Guy & George Guy
Baldy Guy & George Guy

Baldy Guy (1842-1911) & George Guy (1845-1928)

"The least people can do is to have a history of themselves for those who come after" - Noah Webster
Darin (Pookie) Leake (Web-Master)& (Co-chairperson)
Darin (Pookie) Leake (Web-Master)& (Co-chairperson)

Please send pictures or other information to be included on the web-site to Darin (Pookie) Leake (great-great-grandson of Earnton Guy Sr.) at dkeyl@aol.com

You may contact Darin
 at (901) 283-1177 (cell) or dkeyl@aol.com


This website will serve as our means of communication as we plan our next family reunion during the summer of 2024. Please vote on the poll page on various things related to this reunion. You can also take the Guy Family quiz and see how well you know the history of our family. Please send us pictures through the "Then and Now" page as well comments about what you are up to.


We now have Cash App and Zelle to pay
2026 Guy Family Reunion fees.


The code for Cash App is: $GuyFamilyReunion
The code for Zelle is: (901-283-1177)